Mock Theory Test

This mock driving theory test consists of 50 questions.
You need 43 out of 50 (86%) to pass. You have a time limit of 57 minutes.
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1. What is 'tailgating'? Mark one answer
A Driving too closely behind another vehicle
B Keeping rear fog lights on even in broad daylight
C Opening the boot or rear door of a car
D Reverse parking
Correct Answer: A Driving too closely behind another vehicle
Explanation: When a driver or rider follows the vehicle in front of them too closely, it is referred to as 'tailgating.' It's unsafe because it limits their view of the road ahead. It leaves no room for error if the vehicle in front of them unexpectedly slows down or stops. Tailgating is often the primary cause of rear-end accidents and pile-ups.
A Empty parking spaces
B Not enough space between nearby cars
C People exiting parked cars
D The road surface being uneven
Correct Answer: C People exiting parked cars
Explanation: There is always a risk when passing parked cars that a car door will open and a person will step out onto the road. You should drive defensively, keeping your speed low, looking for this and other hazards as you pass.
A Only one side of the road has a footpath
B The building restricts your view around the corner
C The road has no central markings
D The surface of the road is uneven
Correct Answer: B The building restricts your view around the corner
Explanation: The building means you don't have a good view of the road, and vehicles on the road don't have a good view of you. Creep forward slowly until you can see properly, and if you aren't certain that it's clear, don't pull out.
A By gesturing at children waiting on the pavement
B With a 'stop' sign
C With a red light
D With an arm signal
Correct Answer: B With a 'stop' sign
Explanation: You must stop if signalled to by a school crossing patrol. Don't get impatient and rev your engine or wave anyone across the road.
A Accelerate to pass them sooner
B Assume they will only cross after you have passed
C Be prepated to slow down and stop as they may misjudge your speed
D Come to a stop and gesture for them to cross
Correct Answer: C Be prepated to slow down and stop as they may misjudge your speed
Explanation: Elderly pedestrians may have difficulty walking, hearing, seeing, concentrating, and making judgements. They can take longer to cross roads. Be patient.
A Assume the signal is a mistake
B Give it plenty of room and keep back
C Overtake when it begins to slow down
D Speed up to pass it quickly
Correct Answer: B Give it plenty of room and keep back
Explanation: Long vehicles need plenty of space to navigate around tight corners or junctions. In turning left, they may first swing right, and vice versa. Leave them plenty of space and don't attempt to pass them. What looks like a gap as you approach the turning will soon close as the lorry turns.
A Emergency services can easily locate you
B Mobile phone signal is often poor near motorways
C Other drivers might be distracted by a mobile phone
D You can talk directly to a garage
Correct Answer: A Emergency services can easily locate you
Explanation: Using an emergency telephone enables the emergency services to find you more easily. Arrow markers indicate the location of roadside emergency telephones, and the phone operator will be able to pinpoint your location by tracing the call. If calling from a mobile phone, have the number on the nearest marker post to hand; this will let the phone operator identify where you are.
A Between the carriageway and acceleration lane
B Between the carriageway and the central reservation
C Between the carriageway and the hard shoulder
D Separating each lane
Correct Answer: B Between the carriageway and the central reservation
Explanation: Different coloured reflective studs are fixed to the road at the edges of motorways and between lanes. Amber studs indicate the right-hand edge of the carriageway, bordering the central reservation. Use reflective studs to identify which lane you're in in the dark.
Correct Answer: D 70 mph
Explanation: The national speed limit for motorcycles and cars is 70 mph on motorways and dual carriageways, and 60 mph on single carriageways. Different types of vehicles have different national speed limits, and are laid out in The Highway Code. Always ensure you know the speed limits for the road you're on and the vehicle you're driving.
A By street lighting
B By the presence of single or double yellow lines
C Hazard warning lines on the road tell you
D The presence of pedestrian islands is an indication
Correct Answer: A By street lighting
Explanation: Unless otherwise stated, any road with street lights has a 30 mph speed limit.
A On a roundabout
B When continuing straight but stuck in traffic
C When prevented from turning right by oncoming traffic
D When turning left but stuck in a queue of traffic
Correct Answer: C When prevented from turning right by oncoming traffic
Explanation: In most scenarios, you shouldn't enter a yellow box junction if your exit isn't clear. The one exception to this is if you're turning right but your way is blocked by oncoming traffic or other vehicles turning right. Yellow box junctions are designed to keep traffic flowing through the junction at busy times.
A No trams past this point
B Oncoming trams
C Trams crossing ahead
D Trams only past this point
Correct Answer: C Trams crossing ahead
Explanation: This sign indicates there is a tram crossing ahead. Trams move quickly and quietly, and cannot steer to avoid obstacles. For these reasons and others, you should take extra care in a road system that accommodates trams. Pay attention to signage, signals, and tram rails.
A At a level crossing
B In an area where trams operate
C On a dual carriageway
D On a motorway slip road
Correct Answer: D On a motorway slip road
Explanation: You'll see these markings on motorway slip roads, and should only enter them in the event of an emergency. This is the case for any area marked with chevrons and bordered with a solid white line.
A 11 tonne weight limit
B Right-hand lane closed ahead
C Stop at the level crossing
D Through traffic should use left lane
Correct Answer: B Right-hand lane closed ahead
Explanation: This sign indicates that the right lane is closing ahead, and that the left and centre lanes remain open. If you're in the right lane, you should merge safely into the centre lane well ahead of the closure. If traffic is moving slowly enough, it's recommended that traffic takes turns merging into one lane.
A The driver is a rescue patrol officer
B The driver is from another country
C The driver is more than likely a disabled person
D The driver is qualified in first aid
Correct Answer: C The driver is more than likely a disabled person
Explanation: In the event that a disabled driver can't walk to an emergency phone following a breakdown, the best course of action is for them to stay in their vehicle, turn on their hazard warning lights, and await help. The 'help' pennant indicates when a disabled driver needs assistance.
A Flash your lights
B Signal with your arm
C Sound your horn
D Straddle the centre line
Correct Answer: B Signal with your arm
Explanation: You might choose to signal with your arm if you suspect other road users can't see your indicators properly. Learn the arm signals shown in The Highway Code, so you know which to use at any given time.
Correct Answer: B The left lane
Explanation: Red studs are found between the hard shoulder and the edge of the carriageway, while white studs are found between lanes. Seeing red on your left and white on your right tells you you're in the left lane. Remember that green studs indicate a slip road, and amber indicates the central reservation. Bright yellow/green indicates roadworks.
A Flash your lights at them from behind
B Overtake as soon as possible
C Slow down and maintain your distance
D Sound your horn
Correct Answer: C Slow down and maintain your distance
Explanation: You should continue behind them patiently, as it's not wise to overtake in areas with traffic-calming measures. Overtaking here would likely make your exceed the speed limit, which is exactly what traffic-calming measures seek to discourage.
A Battery acid
B Distilled water
C Engine coolant
D Engine oil
Correct Answer: B Distilled water
Explanation: Check first that your battery needs top-ups (some modern batteries don't). If it does, make sure every battery cell's plates are covered by fluid.
A Brake sharply
B Continue at your current speed but be prepared to do an emergency stop
C Continue through the junction, only stopping for large vehicles
D Stop for any traffic, then continue very cautiously
Correct Answer: D Stop for any traffic, then continue very cautiously
Explanation: You should treat this situation as you would an unmarked junction. Stop for any traffic already passing through, then continue when you're sure it is safe.
A Ignore them and continue as you were
B Indicate left and wave for them to pass you
C Move towards the centre of the road to prevent them passing
D Slow down further
Correct Answer: D Slow down further
Explanation: Drivers following too closely increases the risk of collision, as there's less time for them to brake if you suddenly need to stop. The best thing to do is slow down, increasing the gap in front of you. Doing this lessens the odds that you'll have to stop suddenly, giving you more space to brake in case of a hazard. This is an example of defensive driving.
A Cars can continue
B Cars must stop
C Large vehicles must stop
D Trams must stop
Correct Answer: D Trams must stop
Explanation: The green light indicates that regular traffic can continue if it is safe to do so, while the white line tells trams to stop. Even if there are no trams where you normally drive, you should be familiar with signals applying to trams, as they're being introduced in more and more places.
A No stopping
B Stop even if the road ahead is clear
C Stop if there are pedestrians waiting to cross
D Stop if traffic is nearby
Correct Answer: B Stop even if the road ahead is clear
Explanation: This sign indicates that you need to stop even if the road looks clear. You find signs like this at junctions with reduced visibility or a heavy flow of traffic. Look around for hazards, creep forward to improve visibility, and only emerge when you're sure it's safe to do so.
A Ask a friend
B Ask your local garage
C Check your vehicle registration document (V5C)
D Look at a map
Correct Answer: D Look at a map
Explanation: Use maps (paper or online) to plan your journey, including a good number of rest stops. Knowing your route takes some of the stress out of driving, making for an easier ride, and can reduce congestion. Write out the route if needs be to help you remember it.
A A red, flushed complexion
B A very slow pulse
C Pale, grey skin
D Rosy, warm skin
Correct Answer: C Pale, grey skin
Explanation: Shock can be tricky to diagnose following a collision. Look out for pale, grey skin, sweating, a rapid pulse, and rapid, shallow breathing.
A The chassis number of the vehicle in question
B The vehicle's V5C log book
C Valid insurance
D Your driving licence
Correct Answer: C Valid insurance
Explanation: Road tax (also known as vehicle excise duty) can be renewed online or by phone, at the post office, or at vehicle registration offices. You'll need your renewal reminder notice, and may need your MOT certificate.
A 14 metres (46 feet)
B 24 metres (80 feet)
C 38 metres (125 feet)
D 55 metres (180 feet)
Correct Answer: C 38 metres (125 feet)
Explanation: The typical braking distance is the distance required to brake to a stop from a given speed. In reality, you'll also need time to think. Thinking distance plus braking distance is referred to as 'overall stopping distance'. At 50 mph, braking distance is 38 metres and thinking distance is 15 metres, giving a total of 53 metres. This will also be affected by how much attention you're paying, the nature of hazards ahead, and road conditions.
A Your driver's licence
B Your theory test certificate
C Your vehicle log book (V5C)
D Your vehicle service record
Correct Answer: A Your driver's licence
Explanation: Following a collision resulting in injury or damage, police officers might ask to see your insurance details and driving licence. If you don't have this with you, you can present it at a police station at a later date.
A In case pedestrians are crossing
B In case someone is overtaking
C In case the side road isn't clear
D In case traffic is emerging from the side road
Correct Answer: B In case someone is overtaking
Explanation: You should check your side mirrors in case someone is overtaking. Cyclists and motorcyclists often filter through traffic and therefore appear quickly, so be sure to check there's no one passing you before you turn.
A Wait for any pedestrians to finish crossing before continuing
B Wait for both red and amber to show before continuing forward
C Wait for the green light before continuing forward
D Wave for pedestrians to cross
Correct Answer: A Wait for any pedestrians to finish crossing before continuing
Explanation: You should wait for any pedestrians currently crossing to finish before you continue forward. Elderly pedestrians, young children, and those with certain disabilities may take longer to cross. Be patient, don't rev your engine, and don't go forward until they've finished crossing.
A Keep to the left
B Stay anywhere left of middle
C Stay in the middle of the road
D Swing right before turning left
Correct Answer: A Keep to the left
Explanation: Keep to the left as you approach the junction, as you position on the road can help others determine what you're about to do. You shouldn't swing out into the centre of the road when making the turn, as this might mislead other traffic as to your intentions, and engager oncoming traffic.
A Any insurance documents must be inside the vehicle
B The vehicle must be insured for your use
C The vehicle must have third-party insurance cover
D Your own vehicle must have insurance
Correct Answer: B The vehicle must be insured for your use
Explanation: You need to make sure that you are properly insured on any vehicle you drive, even if it's not your own. Driving without insurance is illegal. It's good practice to compare several insurance quotes, comparing their features against your needs, before deciding which one is right for you.
A Pull onto the hard shoulder and change the wheel
B Pull onto the hard shoulder and use an emergency phone
C Reduce your speed and continue to the next services
D Turn on your hazard warning lights and stop
Correct Answer: B Pull onto the hard shoulder and use an emergency phone
Explanation: Firstly, pull over onto the hard shoulder. High speed traffic on the carriageway poses a danger, so you should not attempt to repair the puncture or change the tyre. Instead, make your way to the nearest
A They allow you to steer and brake sharply at the same time
B They let you drive at higher speeds
C They make it impossible to skid but you have to brake harder
D You can pay less attention to the road
Correct Answer: A They allow you to steer and brake sharply at the same time
Explanation: Wheels that have locked up don't grp the road surface well, and result in less steering control. Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) prevent the wheels locking and give you more control while braking. Be aware that ABS may be less effective in poor weather conditions or on loose or uneven road surfaces.
A Accelerate past as quickly as possible
B Only pass if it is safe, leaving plenty of room
C Pass as close to them as possible
D Sound your horn as you pass them
Correct Answer: B Only pass if it is safe, leaving plenty of room
Explanation: Cyclists often need to weave around potholes, and sometimes need to adjust their course to correct their balance. Allow them plenty of room when you overtake, and pay close attention to the road ahead, looking for farm entrances or driveways where vehicles might pull out.
A Only at low speeds
B Only if you can steer well one-handed
C Only on a well lit road
D Only when safely parked
Correct Answer: D Only when safely parked
Explanation: Except in genuine emergencies, it is illegal to use a handheld mobile phone. Doing so will distract you from the road, and increase risk of an accident.
A The wind may blow them towards you as you pass
B The wind might cause them to drive faster than usual
C The wind might prompt the driver to stop unexpectedly
D The wind might prompt the driver to turn off suddenly
Correct Answer: A The wind may blow them towards you as you pass
Explanation: Motorcyclists are more significantly affected by strong winds than larger, heavier vehicles. They could swerve or wobble as you pass them, so give them plenty of space as you overtake.
A Any lane
B The hard shoulder
C The left lane
D The middle lane
Correct Answer: C The left lane
Explanation: Signs above or beside the motorway will warn you of upcoming exits a mile before they appear. You'll only have around 50 second travelling at 60 mph before the exit then appears. You should ensure you're in the left-hand lane early to avoid any sudden movements nearer the junction, as these could cause an incident. You'll see a second sign when you're half a mile from the exit, then markers every 90 metres, starting when you're 270 metres from the exit.
A Decreased journey times
B Improved fuel consumption
C Lower insurance costs
D Reduced vehicle excise duty (road tax)
Correct Answer: B Improved fuel consumption
Explanation: Regular vehicle servicing can improve fuel consumption. Efficient engines produce fewer emissions and use less fuel, both reducing your impact on the environment and saving you money. Vehicle manufacturers usually provide servicing schedules, and keeping your car services according to these makes it more reliable and makes breakdowns less likely.
A When changing to a higher gear
B When changing to a lower gear
C When selecting neutral
D When the handbrake is applied
Correct Answer: B When changing to a lower gear
Explanation: Engine braking occurs when you switch to a lower gear and the engine's natural resistance to turning (caused mainly by cylinder compression) slows the wheels. The engine is required to turn faster at lower gears, so there's more resistance than at higher gears, where the engine turns more slowly. Switching to a lower gear when going downhill will help control your vehicle's speed.
A Ensure your sunroof is securely closed
B Take off your sunglasses
C Turn your radio off
D Turn your windscreen wipers on
Correct Answer: B Take off your sunglasses
Explanation: You should not wear sunglasses while driving through tunnels, as they will restrict your vision in even well-lit tunnels. Remove your sunglasses before entering the tunnel, not after.
A A two-second time gap
B The length of one car
C The length of two cars
D Two metres
Correct Answer: A A two-second time gap
Explanation: Use the two-second rule to judge if there's enough distance between you and the vehicle in front. Choose a stationary object by the road ahead, then say the following to yourself as the vehicle in front passes it: Only a fool breaks the two-second rule. If you can't complete the phrase before passing the object, you're too close and should drop back further.
A An overtaking vehicle
B Pedestrians coming towards you
C The bend has no warning sign
D There are no white lines splitting the road
Correct Answer: B Pedestrians coming towards you
Explanation: On roads where there is no pavement, pedestrians should walk against the flow of traffic. You should be aware of this approaching bends on rural roads, giving yourself time to react if there are pedestrians around the corner.
A Lanes that are wider than normal
B Lower speed limits
C Speed humps
D Temporary traffic lights
Correct Answer: B Lower speed limits
Explanation: Motorway contraflow systems almost always come with reduced speed limits. You should slow down as soon as you see signs indicating a different speed limit, and be aware that the barrier between traffic flowing in different directions may not be as sturdy as usually found in a central reservation. Lanes may be narrower, traffic may be using the hard shoulder, and broken-down vehicles could obstruct lanes ahead.
A All damage and injury
B Damage to other vehicles
C Damage to your vehicle
D Injury to yourself
Correct Answer: B Damage to other vehicles
Explanation: Third-party insurance only covers damage and injury to others, and does not cover damage or injury to you or your vehicle. It is usually cheaper than comprehensive cover.
A Continue out of the tunnel if possible
B Leave the engine running and exit the vehicle
C Stop and walk to the nearest emergency telephone
D Stop as far to one side of the tunnel as possible
Correct Answer: A Continue out of the tunnel if possible
Explanation: If it's possible to continue on without causing further danger, you should continue to drive out of the tunnel. Smoke gathers in tunnels, presenting risk of suffocation.
A Less control of your vehicle
B Lighter steering
C More control of your vehicle
D Worsened fuel consumption
Correct Answer: A Less control of your vehicle
Explanation: Going long distances in neutral or with the clutch depressed (known as coasting) reduces your control over the vehicle, as the engine can't supply power to the wheels to stabilise you through a corner, and engine braking isn't possible.
A Do not use motorways
B Only drive with a passenger
C Tell the DVLA
D Tell your local police force
Correct Answer: C Tell the DVLA
Explanation: If your health deteriorates and affects your ability to drive, you need to inform the DVLA (or DVA in Northern Ireland). After looking into your condition and situation, they will decide whether you are allowed to keep your licence.
A Anytime
B On narrow streets
C When visibility is poor
D While parking
Correct Answer: C When visibility is poor
Explanation: Use dipped headlights when daytime visibility is reduced to around 100 metres or less. Front and/or rear fog lights may help you see and be seen, but be sure to turn them off when visibility improves.
A Those in the back of a car do not need seat belts
B Those under 1.5 metres tall do not need seat belts
C Those under 14 do not need to use seat belts
D When they have a valid medical exemption
Correct Answer: D When they have a valid medical exemption
Explanation: Passengers may only travel without a seat belt if they have a medical exemption. While adult passengers are responsible for their own wearing of a seat belt, you should ensure everyone in your vehicle who can use one does. You are responsible for ensuring anyone under 14 wears a seatbelt or child restraint.