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Vulnerable road users
What should you do if a person in a wheelchair is waiting as you approach a zebra crossing?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if a driver behind you is dazzling you with their lights?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if you’re driving past parked cars and you notice a bicycle wheel sticking out between them?
Vulnerable road users
What do these zigzag lines mean outside a school?
Vulnerable road users
Where is it particularly important to look out for cyclists and motorcyclists?
Vulnerable road users
You’re overtaking a motorcyclist in windy conditions. Why should you give them extra room?
Vulnerable road users
How should you safely overtake horse riders?
Vulnerable road users
Why should you be careful when driving past a bus at a bus stop on the other side of the road?
Vulnerable road users
Before changing lane in a slow-moving queue, what should you do?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do just before turning right onto a side road?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if you’re driving and see a ball bounce out from between parked cars?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if you’re stopped at a pelican crossing and the lights turn green while a disabled person is crossing?
Vulnerable road users
You are at a pelican crossing and the amber light is flashing. What should you do?
Vulnerable road users
In a queue of traffic, why is it important to check your right mirror before turning right into a side road?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if you want to turn right at a junction but parked cars are restricting your view?
Vulnerable road users
Which of these is hardest to see as you reverse?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if you’re about to reverse into a side road, but there’s a pedestrian waiting to cross?
Vulnerable road users
You’re about to reverse into a side road, but you can’t tell if the area is clear. What should you do next?
Vulnerable road users
As a recently qualified driver, how could you reduce your chances of being involved in an accident?
Vulnerable road users
What does it mean if you see a pedestrian wearing reflective clothing and carrying a red light at night?
Vulnerable road users
You encounter sheep on a road. How should you pass?
Vulnerable road users
What is the main reason for giving cyclists the same amount of room as you would a car when you overtake them?
Vulnerable road users
What is the purpose of the marked area between stop lines at some traffic light-controlled junctions?
Vulnerable road users
Which type of road user use toucan crossings?
Vulnerable road users
When approaching this crossing, what should you do?
Vulnerable road users
You see a pedestrian with a dog. The dog is wearing a burgundy or yellow coat. What does this mean?
Vulnerable road users
Why might a cyclist signal right at a roundabout but keep left?
Vulnerable road users
What is the meaning of this sign?
Vulnerable road users
You’re following a motorcyclist along a road with a poor surface. What should you do?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if the left-hand pavement is closed for maintenance?
Vulnerable road users
What’s the purpose of these road markings?
Vulnerable road users
What is the first thing you should do when you see horses ahead?
Vulnerable road users
What is the meaning of this sign?
Vulnerable road users
What does a flashing amber light on a moving vehicle mean?
Vulnerable road users
Where should you never overtake a cyclist?
Vulnerable road users
How do small, powered vehicles used by disabled people warn you of their presence on a dual carriageway?
Vulnerable road users
Where would you expect a horse rider in the left-hand lane of a roundabout to go?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if you’re following a cyclist but want to turn left ahead?
Vulnerable road users
You’re following a vehicle driven by an elderly person. How should you react?
Vulnerable road users
You’re driving on a country road. Which of the following might be approaching you on your side of the road?
Vulnerable road users
A learner driver stalls in front of you. How should you react?
Vulnerable road users
How should you react to inexperienced drivers?
Vulnerable road users
At a roundabout, what should you do if a horse rider is signalling right but keeping to the left?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if you want to turn left ahead but you are behind a slow-moving moped?
Vulnerable road users
At a roundabout, in which direction would you expect cyclists in the left-hand lane to go?
Vulnerable road users
Where might you see this sign?
Vulnerable road users
Why should you keep clear of these road markings?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if you see flashing amber lights beneath a school warning sign?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if elderly people are crossing at a pelican crossing when the lights turn green?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if there are horses ahead as you approach a roundabout?
Vulnerable road users
At junctions, which of these is considered most vulnerable?
Vulnerable road users
Why might a motorcyclist glance back over their right shoulders before turning right?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if you’re behind a slow-moving motorcyclist and are unsure of their intentions?
Vulnerable road users
Why is it advised that motorcyclists wear bright clothing?
Vulnerable road users
Why might an oncoming motorcyclist be using dipped headlights during the day?
Vulnerable road users
Why should you be wary of motorcycles when waiting to emerge from a side road?
Vulnerable road users
At junctions, why is it especially important to look for cyclists and motorcyclists?
Vulnerable road users
Which of these should be given extra space when overtaking?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if a cyclist is signalling to turn right at a roundabout?
Vulnerable road users
Elderly pedestrians are about to cross the road ahead. What should you do?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if elderly people are crossing the road in front of you?
Vulnerable road users
What does it mean if you see a pedestrian carrying a white stick with a red band?
Vulnerable road users
What is the meaning of this sign?
Vulnerable road users
Where might this sign be displayed?
Vulnerable road users
How would a school crossing patrol signal you to stop?
Vulnerable road users
What differentiates a toucan crossing from other types of crossings?
Vulnerable road users
Why should you check for motorcyclists before turning right into a side road?
Vulnerable road users
When turning into a side road, what should you especially watch out for?
Vulnerable road users
What should you do if you’re turning left at a junction but pedestrians have started to cross the road?
Vulnerable road users
Which of these signs warns of pedestrians walking along the road?
Vulnerable road users