Hazard Awareness Theory Test 2025
The Hazard Awareness Theory Test consists of 81 questions.
You need 70 out of 81 (86%) to pass. There is no time limit for this test.
Click here to read our Hazard Awareness Theory Test revision notes.
The hazard awareness section, in some respects, overlaps and expands on the principles of alertness and attitude as previously discussed. Essentially, it is to ensure that you are alert to the possibility of hazardous situations, and know what steps to take.The behaviour of other vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians can forewarn you of potentially hazardous scenarios. Equally, the presence of road signs, traffic lights and road markings should be observed, as they may indicate a situation that requires you to reduce speed.
Developing Hazards
Cyclists, Elderly Persons and Pedestrians
- A cyclist may indicate at short notice they they wish to turn left or right
- Give cyclists plenty of room as they may swerve into the road unexpectedly
- The reaction time of an elderly person may be slower, whether driving or as a pedestrian
- Slow down and get ready to stop if pedestrians are waiting at a crossing and wait for them to fully cross the road before moving off
- Be aware of pedestrians walking towards you on blind bends or stepping out between parked cars
Parked Cars
- Badly parked cars can cause a developing hazard
- Parked car doors may open suddenly
- Look for children running from between parked cars
- Cars may pull out without warning
Other Cars and Buses
- Only use your horn to alert drivers of your presence, not to show your anger at their mistakes
- Stay calm when driving, even if you have already been involved in an argument or another driver annoys you
- A seemingly stationary bus may suddenly move out on to the road
- Passengers may unexpectedly try and cross the road in front of a bus
Level Crossings
- Stop at the barrier when red lights are flashing
- A steady amber light is the first warning of an approaching train
- Reduce speed when approaching a junction
- Blind junctions mean reduced visibility, so stop behind the line and edge forward to see clearly
- Keep junctions clear to allow other vehicles to emerge or enter
- No overtaking when there is a junction ahead
General Driving Knowledge
- Convex mirrors give a wider field of vision
- Place names are painted on roads to enable you to change lanes early
- A vehicle with amber flashing lights is for disabled people
- If ill health is affecting your driving it must be reported to the licencing authority
- Drink and drugs convictions lead to increased insurance premiums
- Be prepared to stop in the event of a traffic light failure
- Provisional licence holders must not drive on their own or on a motorway
- If a lane is closed on a dual carriageway, be aware of other drivers cutting in
One Way Streets
- If you have entered a one way street, you must continue
- Do not reverse out, reverse into a driveway or turn around in a side road
Hazard Lights
- Only use if broken down and causing an obstruction
- Can be used on a motorway to warn traffic behind of a hazard ahead
- Must be able to read a number plate in daylight at 20 metres
- Wear appropriate glasses or contact lenses if required
- Do not use tinted glasses at night
- One of the major causes of collisions
- Do not overtake if turning left soon, when approaching a junction or if the view ahead is obstructed
- Two way roads with three lanes can be dangerous, as traffic in both directions can use the middle lane for overtaking
Hazard Awareness Test Tips
Questions in this section may contain a photograph, and you will be asked to study the scenario and decide what you would do in that situation.